miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008

Reading challenge 4 VERY LONG DIVISION



Pronunciation: \in-'ser-kel, en-\
Function: transitive verb

to form a circle around : surround

to pass completely around


Pronunciation: \-,resh\

Function: noun

a rushing forward or onward


Pronunciation: \'fen(t)s\
Function: noun

archaic : a means of protection : defense

a barrier intended to prevent escape or intrusion or to mark a boundary especially : such a barrier made of posts and wire or boards


Pronunciation: \'sōl-jer\

Function: noun

a militant leader, follower, or worker

a: one engaged in military service and especially in the army b: an enlisted man or woman c: a skilled warrior


Pronunciation: \ser-'vā-len(t)s also -'vāl-yen(t)s or -'vā-en(t)s\
Function: noun

close watch kept over someone or something


Pronunciation: \'snīp\
Function: noun

or plural snipe : any of various usually slender-billed birds of the sandpiper family

a contemptible person

  • GATE

Pronunciation: \'gāt\
Function: noun

an opening in a wall or fence

a city or castle entrance often with defensive structures

  • FEAR

Pronunciation: \'fir\
Function: verb

archaic : frighten

archaic : to feel fear in

to have a reverential awe of


Pronunciation: \'se-tel-ment\
Function: noun

the act or process of settling

a: an act of bestowing or giving possession under legal sanction b: the sum, estate, or income secured to one by such a settlement

an agreement composing differences

payment or adjustment of an account


Pronunciation: \'baun-d(e-)rē\
Function: noun

something that indicates or fixes a limit or extent

Reading challenge 3 PLEASE PASS THE SUGAR



Pronunciation: \ple-'sē-(,)bō\
Function: noun

  1. a usually pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder

an inert or innocuous substance used especially in controlled experiments testing the efficacy of another substance

  1. something tending to soothe
  • KNEE


Function: noun

a joint in the middle part of the human leg that is the articulation between the femur, tibia, and patella ; also : the part of the leg that includes this joint

something resembling the human knee

the part of a garment covering the knee

blow with the bent knee


Pronunciation: \'shärp\

Function: adjective

adapted to cutting or piercing: as a: having a thin keen edge or fine point b: briskly or bitingly cold

keen in intellect, keen in perception, keen in attention

affecting the senses or sense organs intensely


Pronunciation: \'fāl-yer\

omission of occurrence or performance

a state of inability to perform a normal function

lack of success

a falling short

one that has failed


Pronunciation: \,ol-te-'ge-ther\

Function: adverb

in all : all told

on the whole


Pronunciation: \e-'tak\

Function: verb

to set upon or work against forcefully

to assail with unfriendly or bitter words

to begin to affect or to act on injuriously

Reading challenge 2 BIG CHILL


  • HOLE

Pronunciation: \'hōl\
Function: noun

an opening through something

an area where something is missing

a serious discrepancy

an opening in a defensive formation

A hollowed-out place

a wretched or dreary place

an awkward position or circumstance


Pronunciation: shroud Function: verb

archaic: to cover for protection

to cut off from view

to dress for burial

  • ASH

Pronunciation: \'ash\
Function: noun

any of a genus of trees of the olive family with pinnate leaves, thin furrowed bark, and gray branchlets

the tough elastic wood of an ash

the ligature æ used in Old English and some phonetic alphabets to represent a low front vowel


Pronunciation: \'bä-tel-,nek\

Function: adjective



Pronunciation: \'re-flē\ Function: adverb

in a rough manner: as with harshness or violence or in crude fashion

without completeness or exactness


Pronunciation: \'am-,brōz\

Function: biographical name


Pronunciation: \in-'gājd, en-\

Function: adjective

involved in activity

pledged to be married

greatly interested

involved especially in a hostile encounter

partly embedded in a wall

being in gear




Pronunciation: \'skwēk\
Function: Verb

to utter or make a short shrill cry or noise

to pass, succeed, or win by a narrow margin


Pronunciation: shaving
Function: noun

the act of one that shaves

something shaved off


Pronunciation: \'mir-er, mi-rer\
Function: noun

polished or smooth surface (as of glass) that forms images by reflection

something that gives a true representation


Pronunciation: self–aware·ness
Function: noun

an awareness of one's own personality or individuality


Pronunciation: \'brīt\

radiating or reflecting light

of high saturation or lightness

synonyms bright , brilliant , radiant , luminous , lustrous mean shining or glowing with light



  • Decrease
  • Economic
  • Education
  • Improvement
  • Increase
  • Unemployment


  • To decrease
  • ----------
  • To educate
  • To improve
  • To increase
  • ----------
  • Decreased / decreasing
  • Economic / economical
  • Educational
  • Improving / improved
  • Increasing / increased
  • Unemployed


  • Unemployment rate has decreased in the last years.
  • Math class strategies happen to be very educational.
  • Economy in Colombia has decreased in the last years.
  • The class participation decrease is evident.

VISUAL POLLUTION (Problem / Solution Essay)

The pollution in general is a problem that day by day is affect the world with more intensity, but the visual pollution is a problem that has been detected since time back and it is for that reason that the citizens of the world should be conscious and guide in that aspect to take measures for the solution of this problem.

First of all, the big cities have become territories occupied by public institutions and big companies that have rushed to a constant fight to position their image in the market by means of excess of advertising warnings without caring to pass above the other one, the overload of visual stimuli unlimited life has deteriorated significantly in urban areas. For this reason, it is important and necessary that the government plans and decrees environmental policies to avoid excess publicity in the urban world.

Secondly, the visual pollution is exposed in graffiti, murals, posters and general advertising, this visual pollution contains soil elements that the visual spectrum of many drivers, and this problem has resulted in terrible traffic accident. For this reason, we recommend that contractors do advertising in a much lower and that further publicity factories using organic materials with the goal of reducing the level of accidents in the city.

Finally, the visual pollution is caused by many factors which are harmful and that have caused a social danger, for example: excessive advertising on the streets, exaggerated advertising TV programs, new buildings that distort the natural landscape and scavengers that destroy the countryside and the image of the city. Therefore, this problem affects our mental and physical health. On the other hand, there is presence of environmental problems that allow human life and animal away from its natural environment.

There are many roads that lead to the solution of this problem. First, the government must train or create campaigns with cultural training assistance from the Ministry of Environment for companies to educate their employees and also to maintain environmental policies in generating publicity and implementation of brand in the competitive market. Second, it is important to set an example by our behavior and our individual education to the environment.



  1. Disorder of architecture

  2. Saturation and danger for the pedestrians and drivers

  3. Alteration of facade

  4. Litter

  5. Danger of distraction


  1. Build more natural parks

  2. Avoid the building and the excess of publication advertising

  3. Is important that all house or news building not have alteration of facade the zone and or city in general

  4. Organize and make campaigns environmental problems policies that permit that turist arrive to this city.

  5. Avoid the excess of color in publication and the movement of some fences.


Visual pollution is an aesthetic issue, referring to the impacts of pollution that impair one's ability to enjoy a vista or view. The term is used broadly to cover visibility, limits on the ability to view distant objects, as well as the more subjective issue of visual clutter, structures that intrude upon otherwise "pretty" scenes, as well as graffiti and other visual defacement.

Visibility is a measure of how far and how well people can see into the distance. Haze obscures visibility. It is caused when light is absorbed or scattered by pollution particles such as sulfates, nitrates, organic carbon compounds, soot, and soil dust. Nitrogen dioxide and other pollution gases also contribute to haze. Haze increases with summer humidity because sulfate and other particles absorb moisture and increase in size. The larger the particles, the more light they scatter.

Sensitivity to visual pollution has led utility companies to bury power and telephone lines in some communities. The latest fight against visual pollution centers on cell towers, needed to provide cellular telephone service. One solution has been to disguise cell towers as trees or cacti. Graffiti, spray-painted names and messages, are a form of urban visual blight. Attempts to curb graffiti by banning the sale of spray paint to minors have had little effect.


Visual Pollution (Internet)

Visual pollution is the term given to unattractive or unnatural (human-made) visual elements of a vista, a landscape, or any other thing that a person might not want to look at. Visual pollution is an aesthetic issue, referring to the impacts of pollution that impair one's ability to enjoy a vista or view. The term is used broadly to cover visibility, limits on the ability to view distant objects, as well as the more subjective issue of visual clutter, structures that intrude upon otherwise "pretty" scenes, as well as graffiti and other visual defacement.Commonly cited examples are advertisements, billboards, houses, automobiles, traffic signs, roadsigns, highways, roadways, litter, graffiti, overhead powerlines, utility poles, contrails, skywriting, buildings and weeds.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
