miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2008

Reading challenge 2 BIG CHILL


  • HOLE

Pronunciation: \'hōl\
Function: noun

an opening through something

an area where something is missing

a serious discrepancy

an opening in a defensive formation

A hollowed-out place

a wretched or dreary place

an awkward position or circumstance


Pronunciation: shroud Function: verb

archaic: to cover for protection

to cut off from view

to dress for burial

  • ASH

Pronunciation: \'ash\
Function: noun

any of a genus of trees of the olive family with pinnate leaves, thin furrowed bark, and gray branchlets

the tough elastic wood of an ash

the ligature æ used in Old English and some phonetic alphabets to represent a low front vowel


Pronunciation: \'bä-tel-,nek\

Function: adjective



Pronunciation: \'re-flē\ Function: adverb

in a rough manner: as with harshness or violence or in crude fashion

without completeness or exactness


Pronunciation: \'am-,brōz\

Function: biographical name


Pronunciation: \in-'gājd, en-\

Function: adjective

involved in activity

pledged to be married

greatly interested

involved especially in a hostile encounter

partly embedded in a wall

being in gear

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